Milimetric - Directional Hair Transplantation
Milimetric-Directional Hair Transplantation is another hair transplant method that was founded by Sky Hair. This method gives an absolute %100 natural look, when the operation is finished. For all men and women, it is important for them that they get a natural look after the operation and moreoever it is always best for the people looking from the outside, that they do not understand that an operation was done. Hair transplantation surgerys have developed very much in the years past and many people now want to have their hair transplant done, because they either they want to get more hair or because they don’t want to look bald.
Of course for men, being bald may not affect their life, but for women, hair is very important. Therefore hair must be transplanted if needed, but which hair transplant technique should be used, is something very important that must be researched well. From the name of the transplant technique, the patient can understand, that it is a detailed hair transplant. Milimetric-Directional means that the hair transplant is done in detail, but also is done so that the patient can get the hair style that they want. If you have every looked into your head, you can see that the hair poles are all in different directions.
In the Milimetric-Directional hair transplantation, 6 months after the operation, you will have such a natural look, that no one will be able to know that you actually had a hair transplantation. This is one of the most important issues that has developed in terms of hair transplantation, because patient’s were having problems after the operation. They didn’t want to go out or they couldn’t meet with people, because everything was obvious that they had a hair transplant. Talking of how Milimetric-Directional hair transplant is done, first of all, the patient needs to know that this method was born from the original Fue technique.
During the process of this hair transplant, at first follicles are collected from the back of the patient’s head, which is the donor area. It is important for the donor area to be clean. After the hair follicles are collected, millimetric slits are cut into the scalp with steril blades. This is done with local anesthesia, therefore the patient does not feel any pain, on the otherhand, the patient also does not feel any ache or pain after the operation. When the scalp is ready with the millimetric slits, the hair follicles are placed into the channels using something called forceps.
For after the operation, so that the patient will have a natural look, some solution that contains vitamins are placed under the scalp. This is one of the most hair transplant techniques that men always prefer, because this hair transplant will give them the hair style they want, they will have a natural look and they will feel no pain, which are very important factors for the patients. Every person would really want to own their own hair, instead of growing back hair, but sometimes it is just needed. Milimetric-Directonal hair transplant is generally preferred or wanted by young to mid-aged men.
It is always very important to know what kind of a hair transplant you want, if you really want to get your hair transplanted. Hair transplant is something that can be done as many times as you want, although it is true that after sometime, it will start to worn you out and get tired. Therefore it is very important to give a good shot at the very beginning. Milimetric-Directional hair transplant is one of the techniques that was born from the Fue method, therefore you can trust it with your eyes closed. You will not face any problems after the operation.
If any patient wants to get Milimetric-Directional hair transplant, they can first call Sky Hair, because Sky Hair is one of the best hair transplant clinics. You will be able to get all your questions answered and more to it, you can learn which hair transplant technique is best for you. Not everyone needs to get hair transplant. Some people even want to get it done, just because they want more hair or because they don’t like the look of their hair style. This is true that some people’s reason for hair transplant, is not because they are bald or they have specific problems.
If you have any problems concerning hair or if you want to get hair transplant for whatever reason, first call or get in touch with Sky Hair. Explain to them the reason why you want to get hair transplant and get your reservation. They may just recommend you to do Milimetric-Directional hair transplant. Get all your questions answered, so that your head will not be full of unanswered questions. Afterwards you can make up your decision whether you want to get hair transplant or not.